A Game of Thrones • A Song of Ice and Fire NWN2 Persistent World • Low Magic Role Play

Tags: Melisandre

1. Melisandre of Asshai
(News/Latest News)
A look at Melisandre of Asshai as she appears in-game:  ...
2. Maester Pylos
(World of Westeros/People)
... as a sacrifice by Melisandre of Asshai. ...
3. Maester Cressen
(World of Westeros/People)
Maester Cressen was Maester of Dragonstone and advisor to Stannis Baratheon. He attempted to kill the red priestess Melisandre of Asshai and commit suicide by poisoning his cup and hers. The poison did ...
4. Portrait of Melisandre
Portrait of Melisandre of Asshai by Amoka:  ...
5. Storm's End
(World of Westeros/Strongholds)
... castellan refused to yield. He was killed under mysterious circumstances after the red priestess Melisandre was smuggled under the castle. Soon after this, the castle surrendered to Stannis's forces. Later ...
6. House Florent
(Houses of Westeros/Minor Houses)
... of Melisandre, she adopted the faith of R'hllor. She was instrumental in convincing Stannis to seize Edric Storm. Later, she nearly succeeded in convincing him to sacrifice the boy for her faith. Alekyne ...
7. House Baratheon
(Houses of Westeros/Great Houses)
Ours Is The Fury The death of Robert Baratheon has thrown the house of the king into disarray. Although the daring and bold warrior he once was had vanished in a haze of wine and women, he alone held ...
8. The Others
(Faiths of Westeros/Faiths of Westeros)
... of the Night's Watch, the Night King, was also said to have sacrificed to the Others. The red priestess Melisandre claimed the Others are servants of R'hllor's archfoe, "the great other". ...