A Game of Thrones • A Song of Ice and Fire NWN2 Persistent World • Low Magic Role Play

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#1 2012-06-03 03:59:50


Music in the world?

Hi there...
Was wondering what music,if any,was in the wolrd or was planned to be?and also..what the members and team think would be good music to have in game etc.

If there is to be music would there be different themes dependant on the region?and what would be the chances of us getting some of the actual ballads etc. put in game at taverns and such?
"Reyne's of Castamere" as an example but sure there are a few others that could be referenced or found to add such flavour.
Perhpas we have some budding artists amongst us who can create original versions of these songs..using appropriate instruments?or even one's that can come up with new works in keeping with the medieval tone of the gameworld?

Would be nice to have some authentic medieval type/based music for use in taverns/meadhallls/banquets and such..and even better if we had not only the most popular songs of the time around but also..some traditional and local based compositions...eg. mountain clans could have a Scottish type sound,as would maybe the wildlings..Ironborn having some similarity to old norse type music...sure people can come up with other ideas of cultural linkages and perhaps..examples of appropriate music?


#2 2012-06-03 09:58:54

Project Lead

Re: Music in the world?

Those are all great ideas and similar to what we had in mind. Generally, I go for "epic" musical scores. The music will vary region to region, and also for some interiors (like inns, taverns, etc). And yeah, medieval themes.

If you find anything you think would be nice to have in the world, post a link to it and I can see if it's possible to add it into the game.

The Reynes of Castamere would be a great custom song, if anyone is talented enough musically to try to create it.

Keep the ideas coming.

Beta Is Coming

#3 2012-06-03 15:35:39

Sworn Sword

Re: Music in the world?

Well, considering this is medieval fashion, I would say we could use of symphonies of course, but we could use several songs that represent a cultural group in game, like the northeners or the dornish, by using songs of similar ethnic groups from our world (Like scotland for the North and Spain for Dorne). I know quite a bunch of melodic songs of each one's folk, and can post a list later on smile
Just as a first shot, I think several authors like Loreena Mckennitt, Paco de Lucia and Astor Piazzola have a lot of those kind of songs (without lyrics).

Here I and sorrows sit;
Here is my throne, bid kings come bow to it.

#4 2013-06-27 17:37:17


Re: Music in the world?

Well, lets see which songs we know of which are already composed by fans or official ones. The ones put to music I know of. Ill try to add some information that would be relevant in the "real world" since that is where the GOT universe is based upon.

Songs that tell a song:
- The Rains of Castamere 

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It won't surprise you that this is probably a song from the west. This are mountainous regions. Songs from these areas are usually not so high or elvish. You could even say heavy. Now this song has some outburst ("a coat of gold, a coat of red" and "the rains fall down 2x") which is typical for more northern western songs (typically most songs get higher and lighter the more south you come). Example song: 

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Drinking songs, baldy songs:
- The Dornishmens wife 

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Well these are universal! Funny stories, easy to sing and remember. Known to have allot of slightly different versions. Teh most praised are of course the irish!  In the book, this one should be from the south. I can hear bells and mandolin with this song. These kind of instruments are very useful for the "badum, badum, badum"-rythm that this music has. It is a mix between Arabic and Northern for the melody. Example: 

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- The bear and the maiden fair 

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This is a fastergoing song with a differing level of speed. I would look for French chansons for this one.

Religious songs:
- Mothers Hymn 

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- The song of the seven 

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Religious songs are pretty much universal. Ave Maria is the same nearly everywhere. I find them celtic without a doubt. Two examples:   

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Others that might be relevant:
- You win or you die (based on, not a actual song) 

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This is fantasy mid-ages. There are tons of songs like these. Lets say, modern (no silence between parts) composed songs with old instruments? They filled the gaps.

I think that Westeros would have much of the same music because bards seem to travel from the south to the far north singing the same songs. Typically northern or western songs have not been pointed out as far as I know. I used what i know of European old music. The  music instruments are the same. I do think Essos would be a different case. Just thinking stereotypical Id say from African, Arabic to Asian.
I hope this will somehow help you!

Last edited by SophiaDiedre (2013-06-27 17:37:45)


#5 2013-06-27 18:24:10

Sworn Sword

Re: Music in the world?

When I made my post there weren't much songs around. Now there are hundreds, it's amazing.

Here I and sorrows sit;
Here is my throne, bid kings come bow to it.

#6 2013-07-01 11:35:36

Project Lead

Re: Music in the world?

Yeah, it's a product of the success of the HBO show.

Beta Is Coming

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