A Game of Thrones • A Song of Ice and Fire NWN2 Persistent World • Low Magic Role Play

NWN2 Custom Animation Strings

Resources - Technical Documentation
Monday, 01 June 2009 00:00

Standard Animations

* activate
* annoyed
* atk_cast
* atk_conjure
* atk_conjureloop
* attention
* bardsong
* bored
* bow
* BSD_cast
* BSD_conjure
* BSD_conjureloop
* BSF_cast
* BSF_conjure
* BSF_conjureloop
* BSL_cast
* BSL_conjure
* BSL_conjureloop
* BSS_cast
* BSS_conjure
* BSS_conjureloop
* chuckle
* clapping
* collapseB
* cooking01
* cooking02
* craft01
* crying
* curtsey
* damage01
* damage02
* dance01
* dance02
* death01
* death02
* def_cast
* def_conjure
* def_conjureloop
* dejected
* disablefront
* disableground
* drink
* drinkbeer
* drinkbeerfidget
* drinkbeeridle
* drumrun
* drunk
* dustoff
* eat
* flirt
* fluterun
* forge01
* forge02
* gen_cast
* gen_conjure
* gen_conjureloop
* getground
* gethigh
* gettable
* guitarrun
* idle
* idlecower
* idledrum
* idlefidgetdrum
* idlefidgetflute
* idlefidgetguitar
* idlefidgetnervous
* idleflute
* idleguitar
* idleinj
* idleM
* intimidate
* jumpback
* kneelbow
* kneelclutch
* kneelclutchloop
* kneeldamage
* kneeldeath
* kneeldown
* kneelfidget
* kneelidle
* kneeltalk
* kneelup
* knighting
* knockdownB
* laugh
* laydownB
* liftsworddown
* liftswordloop
* liftswordup
* listen
* listeninjured
* lookleft
* lookleftback
* lookleftloop
* lookleftstart
* lookright
* lookrightback
* lookrightloop
* lookrightstart
* meditate
* mjr_cast
* mjr_conjure
* mjr_conjureloop
* Nashersit
* nodno
* nodyes
* openchest
* opendoor
* openlock
* openlockloop
* playdrum
* playflute
* playguitar
* point
* proneB
* pronedamageB
* pronedeathB
* pty_cast
* pty_conjure
* pty_conjureloop
* raking
* read
* runafraid
* runinj
* salute
* scratchhead
* scrollrecite
* search
* shoveling
* shrug
* sigh
* sitdeath
* sitdrink
* sitdrinkidle
* siteat
* sitfidget
* sitgrounddown
* sitgroundidle
* sitgroundup
* sitidle
* sitread
* sittalk01
* sittalk02
* sleightofhand
* sneak
* sp_lightning
* sp_spray
* sp_thrown
* sp_touch
* sp_turnundead
* sp_warcry
* standupB
* talkcheer
* talkforce
* talkforce01
* talkforce02
* talkforce03
* talkinjured
* talklaugh
* talknervous
* talknormal
* talknormal02
* talkplead
* talksad
* talkshout
* taunt
* throwarmsdown
* throwarmsloop
* throwarmsup
* tired
* torchidle
* torchlightfront
* torchlightground
* torchrun
* torchturnL
* torchturnR
* torchwalk
* torchwalkback
* torchwalkleft
* torchwalkright
* touchheart
* turnL
* turnR
* useitem
* victory
* walk
* walkback
* walkdrum
* walkflute
* walkguitar
* walkinj
* walkleft
* walkright
* wave
* waveshort
* wildshape
* worship
* wounded
* yawn

Expansion 1 Animations

* acting01
* acting02
* bookDown
* bookUp
* defeated
* defeatedidle
* facedownloop
* getup
* liftup
* lookuploop
* painEnd
* painLoop
* painStart
* raisehead
* scribingbook
* Shoveling
* WritingBoard

Combat Stance Animations

* *1attack01
* *1attack02
* *1attack03
* *1attack04
* *2attack01
* *2attack02
* *charge
* *cleave
* *damage01
* *damage02
* *death01
* *death02
* *death03
* *deflect
* *disarm
* *dodge01
* *dodge02
* *equipW
* *fidgetM01
* *idle
* *idleM
* *idleMrage
* *jumpback
* *kickcircle
* *kickflying
* *knockdownB
* *multiattack01
* *multiattack02
* *parry01
* *powerattack
* *proneB
* *pronedamageB
* *pronedeathB
* *rage
* *run
* *sneak
* *sneakattack
* *standupB
* *taunt
* *unequipW
* *walk
* *walkback
* *walkinj
* *walkleft
* *walkright
* *whirlwind

Emotion Animations

* #amused
* #angry
* #annoyed
* #depressed
* #frown
* #nervous
* #scared
* #smile
* #smilebig
* #surprised
* #thoughtful

Last Updated on Wednesday, 07 July 2010 21:00

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